Wednesday, 13 May 2020

The Last Day of Alert Level 3!

What an exciting day - the last one of lockdown and family bubbles. It has been a long wait, but thank you each one for doing your part in keeping our most vulnerable safe. We all need to be proud of what we have achieved.

We look forward to catching up with you Group 2 at 11:00 am and Group 1 at 11:30 am today.

Room 14 Today's Daily Challenge...

Decorated Jar or Can

Think about having a container (can or jar) to put on your desk for your pens, pencils and a ruler. (Decorated with your name!) We will make sure that you only use your own stationery, so we need to be organised.

Kawaii Inspired DIY Mason Jar Pen, Marker and Pencil Holders ...


  1. That looks cool

  2. So cute I love the faces on the jars. They are so colourful

  3. So cute I love the faces on them. They are so colourful.


Room 14 Relief Clay Tiles

“The important thing is to create” — Pablo Picasso Sent from my iPhone