Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Time to Shine Week 2


  1. Wow Room 14 you have been up to some awesome stuff! Mahi pai - good work. Speaking of 'pies' our ones for lunch today were delicious...thanks Kaya!

  2. There is some amazing work in there guys, looks like there has been amazing work happening at home. I wonder how strong that cricket bat is? Mr Smith

    1. It's not to strong but it's not too weak and can still hit the LEGO ball!

  3. Those chocolate chip cookies look really yummy Jade. They wouldn't last long in our bubble everyone loves chocolate chip cookies.

    Your ship and storm tropper armour are awesome Travis. It must have taken a lot of patience to put those together.

  4. Wow what busy people you have been. Love the boat Sienna, maybe you could make some modifications and see if you can get it to float. Remember that a fail is just a first attempt in learning. Kaya those pies looked delicious. Today we had sausages in bread for lunch cooked on the barbecue and we sat outside in the sun, lots of tomato sauce also!! Jade, I could have done with one of your chocolate chip cookies to finish it off. Look forward to seeing more tomorrow.

  5. Nice storm-trooper armour Travis! Go star wars!!!


Room 14 Relief Clay Tiles

“The important thing is to create” — Pablo Picasso Sent from my iPhone