Friday, 24 April 2020

Fun Friday- Day 8 24th April 2020

Tomorrow is ANZAC DAY 25th April 2020

Daily Challenge...

Make an ANZAC wreath or biscuits.
Create a wreath or bake some yummy ANZAC biscuits to commemorate and remember ANZAC day on the 25th April and all our brave soldiers. 

Don't forget to take photos or a video and post them to the shared google drive in your inquiry folder today!

Have a great weekend - be kind, be safe and be happy in your bubble!

1 comment:

  1. Everybody who is reading this comment stand on your balcony or doorway at 6:00 a.m and salute!


Room 14 Relief Clay Tiles

“The important thing is to create” — Pablo Picasso Sent from my iPhone